Just for Faculty

  • Create Expense Report: Employee Reimbursement Business Purpose  PDF 
  • Create Expense Report: LaCarte Procurement Expenses  PDF
  • Create Expense Report: Travel Business Purpose (LaCarte & Personal Funds)  PDF  
  • Create Spend Authorization  PDF
  • Find Spend Authorizations  PDF

  • Award Key Personnel  PDF
  • Award Key Personnel Commitments  PDF
  • Expense by Award Financial Report  PDF
  • Expense by Award by Ledger Account Financial Report  PDF
  • Grant and Award Navigation  PDF
  • Quick Guide to Running Expense by Award PDF

Workday's Pay worklet enables you to view and modify your payment elections including the accounts you use for direct deposit, your payroll deductions, and tax withholdings.

In an effort to protect LSU employees and students from phishing attacks, LSU will dismantle the electronic payment elections. In order to make changes to bank accounts, employees will be required to submit paper forms to the Payroll Office. The payment election changes can be requested with form AS35, Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposits, which can be found at the following web address: http://www.lsu.edu/administration/ofa/oas/pay/pdfs/as35.pdf.

  • View and Print Payslip  PDF
  • View and Print Multiple Payslips  PDF
  • Withholding Elections  PDF

  • Create Requisition for Non-Catalog Items - Goods (Competitive)  PDF
  • Create Requisition for Non-Catalog Items - Goods (Non-Competitive)  PDF
  • Create Requisition for Non-Catalog Items - Services  PDF
  • Create Requisition from Supplier Website  PDF

  • Finance Reports by Functional Area (Excel)