LSU A&M Vehicle Use Procedures


Student writing on pink paper in a car.
Mobile cancer screening vehicle
Campus transit vehicle
MARS Truck
Campus police car


The LSU Office of Risk Management is responsible for vehicle use administration for LSU A&M including:

  • Vehicle Use Policy (how vehicles can be used and who can drive them)
  • Driver Authorization (driver record reviews and approval/denial process)
  • Driver Training (requirements and training module)
  • Vehicle Accident Management (administration of vehicle incidents/claims)

“Vehicles” include all automobile types: trucks, vans, buses, motorcycles, and slow moving vehicles. The below guidelines, however, only apply to vehicles registered for road use, which does not include slow moving vehicles (i.e., golf carts, Gators or landscape equipment).

  • No vehicle may be operated in violation of state or local laws.
  • Safety restraints shall be used by the driver and passengers of vehicles.
  • Personal use of a University-owned or rented vehicle is not permitted.
  • Persons operating a university owned, rented or personal vehicle while on official university business will be responsible for all traffic, driving, and parking violations received.
  • Operating any vehicle for University business while intoxicated as set forth in LA R.S. 14:98 and 14:97.1 is strictly prohibited, unauthorized, and expressly violates the terms and conditions of use of a vehicle.
  • Individuals not associated with the University or University activities, including but not limited to spouses, children or other family members should not be transported in University-owned or rented vehicles. Approval of exceptions to this policy may be made by the Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served.

  • No person shall be authorized to operate a University-owned vehicle unless that person is an employee of the University; or has received specific written approval from the Department Head or his/her designee to operate a University-owned vehicle on official University business.   
  • Prior to driving a University-owned vehicle, a person must become a University Authorized Driver. This requirement does not include University owned golf carts/atvs. 
  • No traveler may operate a vehicle without having a valid U.S. driver’s license in his/her possession.
  • Non-employee University students, guests and contractors are not permitted to drive University-owned, leased or rented vehicles, unless an exception is made in writing by the Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served. 

  1. Department determines that employee needs to drive a University-owned vehicle (or a personally owned vehicle, if part of the employee's written job requirements.)
  2. Employee completes the required LSU A&M Driver Training Questionnaire and stores the completion date for future reference.
    • The LSU A&M Driver Training Questionnaire is valid for 3 years.
  3. Employee submits the online form to Risk Management. The form includes information needed to confirm that an employee's driving record meets the Office of Risk Management's guidelines for approving drivers.
    • Approved drivers will be reviewed annually including a request to renew the online form and cooperation with updated MVRs checks as needed.
  4. Risk Management requests the driver’s motor vehicle record from the LA Office of Motor Vehicles for in-state driver’s licenses.
    • For non-Louisiana licensed drivers, the employee will need to obtain the MVR from their license state or work with Risk Management to obtain the MVR through HireRight.
  5. Risk Management will review the driver’s motor vehicle record and notify the department about whether or not the employee is approved as an Authorized Driver.

  • All persons requesting to become a University Authorized Driver must complete the LSU A&M Driver Training Questionnaire.
  • The course must be completed prior to requesting authorization to drive.
  • The completion date of the LSU A&M Driver Training Questionnaire should be shared with Risk Management via the online form or via email to
  • Driver Training is valid for 3 years.

Please see the attached for safe driving tips related to golf cart use. Please contact the Office of Risk Management for any additional information on golf cart training/safety

  • An employee may elect to use his or her personal vehicle to travel on University business, such as to attend meetings or conferences; however, use of a privately-owned vehicle is solely at the discretion of the vehicle owner and vehicle driver.
  • Privately-owned vehicles used for University business should be properly registered, inspected, insured and appropriate for such use.
  • While traveling on University business, the vehicle driver is responsible for the use of the vehicle and for safe transport of any passengers who travel in the vehicle.
  • Employees whose written job description requires them to use their personal vehicle for official University business must be approved as a University Authorized Driver. The Driver Authorization process is outlined above in the Driver Approval/Authorization Process.
  • Employees using their personal vehicle for University business should ensure they are adequately covered under their personal insurance policy. University policy requires that the employee’s auto liability insurance be the primary insurance for any accidents that occur while driving on University business. The University does not provide physical damage insurance to a personal vehicle; however, there may be up to $1,000 coverage provided by Risk Management toward the travelers’ vehicle property damage deductible, in instances when property damage results while using the traveler’s personal vehicle for university business.
  • For reimbursable travel expenses for use of a personal vehicle, see Travel Policy PM-13.

LSU AP & Travel oversees the following with regard to rented vehicles:

  • No person may be authorized to operate a rented vehicle to conduct University business unless that person is an employee of the University or has received specific written approval from the Department Head or his/her designee to operate a rental vehicle on official University business.
  • Individuals not associated with the University or University activities should not be transported in vehicles rented by the University. Approval of exceptions to this policy may be made by the Department Head if he/she determines that the best interest of the University will be served.
  • The University utilizes the state contract for in-state vehicle rentals through the Enterprise, National and Hertz for business travel which applies to all University employees and/or authorized travelers traveling on official University business. For Out-of-State travel, Enterprise, National or Hertz is also available. Usage of a contracted rental firm is mandatory for University employees unless it is determined that the vendor does not have the appropriate size fleet in stock for the date of use.
  • For vehicle rentals in foreign countries or anywhere outside the 50 United States, the appropriate vehicle insurance (i.e. legally required minimum liability and physical damage) for each travel location should be purchased through the vehicle rental company (this is a requirement as the University’s insurance is excess to any legally required insurance and limit).
  • For reimbursable travel expenses for use of a rented vehicle, see Travel Policy PM-13.

For more information about Rented Vehicles, please see the AP & Travel Website. The Vehicle Rentals section is at the bottom of the web page.

LSU Property Management oversees the following with regard to fleet management:

  • Fleet inventory (tagging, adding, and disposition)
  • Vehicle requirements (decals, current inspection stickers, required paperwork) kept in vehicles (Vehicle Use Procedures, Accident Form, Vehicle Registration.)
  • Tracking fleet assets and departmental assignments
  • Fleet procedures for departments (needed information, reporting compliance, maintenance, accident reporting)
  • Home storage and Personal Assignment approvals
  • Daily vehicle log / mileage log and Preventative Maintenance (required MV-3 form). Files and records on fleet vehicles (including original MV-3 documents and original titles/registrations)
  • Vehicle recalls

More information can be found on the Property Management website.

All accidents, major and minor, shall be reported first to the local police department or appropriate law enforcement agency. Secondly, the online accident report form should be completed as soon as possible to notify Risk Management.

  • Please upload the police report or any relevant information in this form.
  • Upon completion of the online accident report form, a member of the Risk Management staff may reach out for more information and they will provide you with the next steps in the claim process.

Proof of auto insurance is not required for LSU A&M owned vehicles per Louisiana statute. However, policy information is available upon request to our office. 


If more assistance is needed please email Julian Williams or call 578-4210.