
Support OnlyInformal Resolution | Formal Investigation

Incidents of harassment and discrimination can have a broader effect on the working environment and create a working and learning environment that is not conducive to the mission of the university. While the office strives to give complainants a choice in what actions the office takes, there may be situations where the office is legally required to take action even when a complainant does not wish to file a formal complaint. 

Support Only

In some situations, no action is required but the target of the behavior may need support. In these situations, the office will work with the complainant to connect them to resources, provide training to a unit or department, engage in educational conversations, or provide other needed support.  

Informal Resolution

Some incidents can be resolved through an informal resolution. In these cases, parties mutually agree to resolve the allegation without a formal investigation. Informal resolutions often provide a quicker and more streamlined approach to resolving a formal complaint but may not be appropriate in all situations. Informal Resolutions may take the form of mediation, facilitated dialogues, shuttle diplomacy, or restorative justice. An informal resolution is finalized when an agreement is signed by both parties. Informal resolution agreements may contain disciplinary terms, educational components, or other terms that stop harassment or discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and remedy and effects of the behavior. 

Formal Investigation

After a formal complaint is filed, many cases will move to a formal investigation. The purpose of the formal investigation is to gather facts relevant to the allegation and, based on those facts, determine whether university policy has been violated.