Graduation Check Out
In order to identify yourself as a degree candidate, use MyLSU to set your anticipated date of graduation. Students are encouraged to update their anticipated date of graduation every semester. You may also identify yourself as a degree candidate through Student Services if you determine after registration that you are eligible for graduation by a certain date.
Prior to the semester in which you are scheduled to graduate, a degree audit is sent to your department to certify which graduation requirements have been met and which ones are still remaining. You and your faculty advisor will review this audit, you both will sign it, and you will complete an Application for Degree form. Your degree audit will be sent to the Office of Student Services for final review by a counselor. You will receive a confirmation email from a counselor with the subject line “Check-out Complete” or “Check-out Not Complete.” If check-out is complete, you may proceed with scheduling as usual. If check-out is not complete, your email will include further instructions.
The LSU College of Engineering now requires all students to complete a survey during their graduating semester. The EBI Survey is useful for near and long term planning by both the College of Engineering and LSU. The survey supports comparing our curricula with other engineering, computer science and construction management programs across the country. Students are sent an email with a link to the survey and a deadline for completing it.