Hazardous Waste Disposal

Important Links

Waste Disposal Request in the EHS-A

Hazardous Waste Label Form

EHS-A User Handbook - Waste Disposal Request


Chemicals cannot be poured down the drain. We are served by the Baton Rouge city sewer system, and introduction of chemicals into the drains can result in unsafe conditions for campus personnel and even personnel off campus in neighboring communities. Do not dispose of hazardous waste in the trash or evaporate in fume hoods. If you have a question about what can be placed in the drains, please call our office at 225-578-5640.

Hazardous Waste Generator Guidelines

All hazardous waste must be disposed of through the EHS department according to the following procedures.

Container and Storage Requirements

  • Chemicals must be placed in a compatible, sealed container that shows no signs of leakage. Chemical Containers must be in good condition. Bottles with broken caps, stoppers, parafilm, foil, and tape will not be collected. Waste containers will not be returned to the generators unless arrangements have been made with this department prior to the pick-up.
  • Containers should be full, but not overflowing, leave room for expansion.
  • Waste must be stored according to chemical compatibility/hazard class.
  • Use secondary containment for all liquids when in storage. Do not accumulate more than 55 gallons of waste in the laboratory.
  • Keep containers closed at all times, except when adding or removing waste. Do not leave funnels in containers unless they have a tightly sealed lid.

Examples of non-compliance waste containers

Waste Label Requirements

  • Chemical waste must be labeled with a Hazardous Waste Label, waste labels are located on the Hazardous Materials Management page.
  • Unused or  unopened chemicals, or original bottles containing remaining original material do not require additional labeling. Original factory label is sufficient.
  • All information requested on the waste label must be properly completed. Waste will not be picked up if there are incomplete labels.
  • Use proper chemical names for the components of the waste. Do not use formulas, trade names or abbreviations.
  • List the percentages of all components in the waste.
  • Label must be on container at all times.

Scheduling Waste Pickups

  1. After properly filling out the waste label, tape/adhere to the container.  You may use an ESHA printed label or the label from website.
  2. When ready for waste pick up, complete an on-line Waste Collection Request using the EHSA system.
  3. Each different chemical or mixture to be collected must be listed on the waste request as a separate line item. All information must be completed on waste request.

  4. Upon receipt of the request, your waste should be picked up within ten working days.  The EHSA waste disposal is associated with the chemical inventory program and will allow better tracking of waste.  Waste profiles have been created within the system and users will be able to use drop down menus to describe their waste.  Another significant feature is that the lab can generate a printed waste label that is regulatory compliant.

Additional Waste Requirements

Peroxide forming compounds (e.g.; diethyl ether, 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran) must have a date of receipt and opening written on the container. The maximum storage period must not have expired. This is generally six months.

Unknown waste are handled on a case by case basis. Avoid generating Unknowns by keeping good records of the waste you produce. Please refer to the unknown Chemical Waste Disposal reference document.

Explosive waste is handled on a case by case basis. Avoid generating this waste by diligently observing the expiration dates on chemical labels.

EHS accepts all batteries, used oil, and fluorescent light tubes for recycle. They can be picked up during regular hazardous waste pickups.  

Fluorescent bulb handling reference document. 

Biological waste is also handled by the EH&S department. Red bags and boxes are available. Puncture proof containers must be purchased by the department.

Asbestos waste and abatement is managed by Facility Services.

 Radioactive waste is handled by the Radiation Safety Office

Contained gas (cylinders, lecture bottles, etc.) are not normally picked up, arrangements should be made with the supplier for the removal of the containers at the time of purchase. Contact University stores initially for return option.

Aerosols, paint, pharmaceuticals are collected by EHS.

Do not dispose of hazardous waste in the trash, down drains, or evaporate in fume hoods. Elementary neutralization is permitted as part of a written protocol for experiment/research.

Empty glass chemical containers may be placed in a broken glass box or other sturdy cardboard box containing an interior plastic bag.  After the box is properly sealed and taped, lab employees must place the broken glass box inside of a trash dumpster. Sharp plastic ware must also be placed in a broken glass box or sturdy cardboard box, properly sealed placed inside of a trash dumpster by lab employees. Sharps must be placed in puncture proof containers. Non contaminated sharps can be sealed and placed in the municipal trash, contaminated sharps can be sealed and picked up by EHS. Certain empty plastic containers may be suitable for the recycle dumpster.

Maintain emergency equipment (eyewash, showers, etc.) and know what to do in the event of a chemical spill, fire, or explosion.  Refer to the Fire and Emergency Procedures section of this website.

Use pollution prevention techniques to reduce the amount of hazardous waste you generate. (i.e. waste minimization, material substitution, etc.)

Ensure the documentation of initial (prior to lab use) and annual training/instruction of laboratory employees on proper waste procedures. Training records shall be kept by the department.


If you have questions or concerns:

Lisa Pepitone, 225-578-5146

Ryan Still, 225-578-5756