Remote Learning Plan


LSU may transition to remote learning during unexpected campus closures to ensure that instructional activities continue without interruption, provided that internet access is widely available. The following information summarizes the Remote Learning Plan developed in consultation with the Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Faculty Senate, deans, and the Office of Civil Rights, & Title IX.


Every potential closure of campus is determined on a case-by-case basis. The main factor guiding the decision on whether to allow for remote learning is whether internet services are widely available. For closures without internet availability to most faculty and students, the University will follow the guidelines for Interruptions to the Academic Calendar located in Policy Statement 117. The decision to allow for remote learning will be made by university leadership and communicated via e-mail by the Office of Marketing & Communications. 

  • Faculty have discretion to choose the best method to deliver content in an alternate format (e.g., online, synchronous/asynchronous, reading assignments, etc.). Faculty, in consultation with their department chair, should choose what will be pedagogically most successful for the remote instruction for their class, including holding the regularly scheduled class sessions via Zoom and/or making learning materials available in Moodle. Faculty should follow college guidelines for labs and special events. Please note that any costs associated with the selected technology options will be the responsibility of the department (e.g., webcam, microphone, software).
  • Faculty are responsible for communicating a course continuity plan to their students before, during, and after a closure.
  • Faculty should make remote instruction contingency plans in advance of each semester. The fundamentals of contingency plans for remote closure – e.g., where to get information on remote instruction – should be provided in the class syllabus. A sample syllabus statement is listed below and on the LSU Office of Academic Affairs website.
  • As per Policy Statement 22, faculty should exercise reasonable flexibility in accomodating students who are unable to attend class in an alternative format.

Sample Syllabus Statement

"In the event of a campus-wide closure, this course may transition to an alternative form of instruction. I will notify you by [e-mail, Moodle announcement] as soon as possible of the format our course will take. For example, the class may be held via Zoom and recorded for those unable to attend, or I will provide a lesson online that you can do asynchronously, or we may cover content at a different pace or schedule. If the emergency closure impacts scheduled tests, I will make alternative arrangements as soon as possible. If alternative formats are not available due to widespread loss of power and/or internet or other extenuating circumstances, the University may schedule makeup days per Policy Statement 117."


An abrupt change of modality can have a disparate impact on anyone (faculty, staff, or student) who experiences barriers and limitations due to a disability. Please keep the following considerations in mind when planning for a potential shift to remote instruction.

  • Ensure that all content or activities utilized or held remotely are presented in an accessible format. Moodle includes an accessibility checker (Ally) that can assist with content posted within the LMS. For assistance using Ally, please contact the Faculty Technology Center. The Microsoft suite of products also includes built-in accessibility checkers.
  • Automated machine captioning is enabled by default in both Zoom and Teams. Please note that machine captioning does not meet the threshold for accessibility compliance. For live (synchronous) meetings, there may be need for live captioning or ASL interpreter (based upon student accommodation needs). For recorded lectures, the captions/transcripts should be checked for errors and corrected prior to dissemination.
  • If the emergency closure impacts scheduled tests, and if those tests are to be delivered remotely, instructors may need to coordinate with the Office of Disability Services to arrange alternative options for students in need of accommodations.
  • Faculty who may experience a barrier due to a disability in the event of a change of modality should contact the LSU ADA Coordinator to discuss options for assistance and/or accommodations.
  • Students who may need accommodations in the event of a change of modality should be encouraged (both in the syllabus and verbally) to proactively register with the Office of Disability Services and provide any afforded accommodation notices to the course instructor. Waiting until a closure occurs could result in a delay rendering necessary accommodations.

updated 08/23/2024