Academic Affairs (AA)
This committee is responsible for all educational matters including academic programs; university faculty (including matters before the Faculty Senate); textbooks; computer-based testing; financial aid; the academic calendar; in-class issues; LSU Libraries (except building hours or maintenance); service-learning courses; and enrollment and admissions.
- Chair - Dhriti Shastri
- Vice Chair - Calvin Feldt
Meeting Time: Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452
Budget and Appropriations (BA)

Budget & Appropriations Committee Members
This committee is responsible for all Student Government fiscal affairs including the SG Budget Bill; budgetary requirements and procedures; deposit and investment of SG funds; salaries of SG employees; revenue measures for both SG and College Councils; and the allocation of corporate sponsorship funds.
- Chair - Nicole Monceaux
- Vice Chair - Tyhlar Holliway
Meeting Time: Mondays at 8:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452
Campus Affairs and Sustainability (CAS)
This committee is responsible for all matters relating to campus infrastructure including on-campus housing (both Residence Halls and Greek housing); construction, demolition or modification of structures or areas on campus; Facility Services; the university Master Plan; sustainability and conservation; campus parking, traffic and transportation; and safety and lighting.
- Chair - Lilli Bourgeois
- Vice Chair - Mohamad Habib
Meeting Time: Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452
Student Life, Diversity, and Community Outreach (SLDCO)

Student Life, Diversity, and Community Outreach Committee Members
This committee is responsible for all matters pertaining to student life at LSU, including university disciplinary regulations; non-academic issues with the Student Code of Conduct; cultural affairs; diversity; retention; student constitutional rights and civil liberties; government relations; external affairs of SG; volunteer services; student organizations; entertainment events; Free Speech Plaza; First Year Experience; and the SG delegation system (jointly with Rules).
- Chair - Chlóe Berry
- Vice Chair - Emma Miller
Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452
Student Auxiliaries & Services (SAS)
This committee is responsible for all matters pertaining to student services including athletics (including student ticketing, Tiger Stadium, priority points, and intramural sports); university technology and Information Technology Services (including Moodle, myLSU and TigerMail); LSU Dining (including Student Union vendors and Chartwells); University Recreation; the Tiger Card and TigerCASH; and student fees.
- Chair - Brett Robertson
- Vice Chair - An Tra
Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 4:0 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452

Rules Committee Members
This committee is responsible for all internal matters of the Student Senate including services for Senate members or committees; amendments to any of the Governing Documents; appointment of students to office in SG; the delegation and caucus system (jointly with SLDCO); and elections and the Election Board.
- Chair - Emma Long
- Vice Chair - Ethan Elmer
Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Tchoupitoulas Room Student Union 452