Prior Service
Prior Service students, or currently serving service members (Reserve & National Guard), are classified as students who have gone through Basic training (in any service) in the Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard.
Prior service members do not have to take any of the basic courses (MILS 1011,1012, 2161, 2162) classes or attend the Leaders Training Course. Once a prior service student has attained 60 credit hours they are eligible to contract and receive financial assistance from the ROTC program. However, we encourage prior service students to enroll in the basic courses if they have less than 60 credit hours so that they can get to know their fellow cadets and the cadre that will be assisting them through the program. Additionally, they have valuable military experience that they can impart to the younger cadets.
Additionally, we can assist you in joining the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). This will allow you to be a member of your guard unit and the ROTC battalion at the same time. This program is great for currently serving reserve and guard soldiers.
Contact our office or SFC Brian Allen, (225-578-3564) for assistance.