Nature Inspired Gifts
Perfect for the gardener or nature lover in your life.
We can’t think of a better way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special event than with nature inspired gifts from Hilltop, followed by a picnic under one of our native shade trees, and a stroll through the wildflower meadow beginning to bloom. Items from the Hilltop Plant Nursery and Gift Shop are available for purchase, with breeze-way pick-up, that will transform a garden into an ecological wonderland of vibrant life.
We are offering three seed mixes (Tiger Mix, Giants Mix, The Climbers) harvested by Colin Nelson, founder of the Edible Landscape Foundation, in collaboration with the Arboretum. Lexi Balsam, Hilltop Backyard Habitat Camper, created the colorful origami flowers used to present the wildflower seeds. All the information you need is included to grow the seeds in containers and in your garden in a sunny location.

Tiger Mix Seed Pack
Tiger Mix includes Solidago altissima (Late Goldenrod), Solidage canadensis (Canada
Goldenrod), Verbesina walteri (Carolina Crownbeard), and Vernonia gigantea (Purple
Giants Mix Seed Pack
Giants Mix includes includes Solidago altissima (Late Goldenrod), Solidage canadensis
(Canada Goldenrod), Verbesina walteri (Carolina Crownbeard), Vernonia gigantea (Purple
Ironweed), Helianthus angustifolius (Swamp Sunflower), Sesbania herbacea (Bigpod Sesbania),
Celosia sp. (Cock’s Comb), and Eupatorium serotinum (Late Boneset).
The Climbers Seed Pack
The Climbers includes Mikania scandens (Climbing Hemp Vine), Passiflora incarnate
(Maypop Passion Vine), Ipomoea alba (Moonflower Vine), Ipomoea spp. (Late and Early
Morning Glory), and Basella rubra (Malabar Spinach).
All seed packets are $16.50, price includes sales taxes.
Spotted Beebalm (Monarda punctata) is a proven winner!
This Mint-family native establishes as a mounding perennial with tall spikes of yellow spotted flowers on purple floral bracts. Aromatic foliage can be used as tea and salve.
It blooms from July through late October reaching 2’ tall and 3’wide. It grows in sun to part-shade in moist, well-drained garden soil. Expect to attract a host of pollinators with this dependable native perennial.
There should be at least one in your garden!
The 1 gallon plants for sale ($11 including sales taxes) were grown by Hilltop’s Graduate
Assistant Daniel Cooke and the MeadowKeepers, LSU students who help to develop and
maintain Hilltop’s wildflower meadow.
Ancient Graffiti Ceramic Spice Bird Plant Picks
These delightful plant picks are available in three colors green, yellow, and terra cotta. Plant picks are $9.90 for the yellow ceramic and $12.10 for the green and terra cotta ceramic and metal birds, prices include sales taxes.
- Measures 3.5-inch wide x 16-inch long
- Created using natural materials
- Design an artistic blending of your style and garden environment
Hilltop Note Cards
Using photographs taken by talented volunteer photographers of the flora and fauna of Hilltop, Amy Hughes designed a series of themed note cards. We are offering the Birds of Hilltop, Butterflies of Hilltop, Meadow Wildflowers of Hilltop, and Emory Smith’s Favorite Plants. Each set includes six cards (4” x 5”) with envelopes. We are so grateful to the amateur photographers who shared their stunning images of Hilltop for the series: Linda Medine, Janie Braud, Charlie Braud, Chris Werner, Mike Bacino, Ken Bosso, Robert Buquoi, and John Hanley. Note card sets are $13.19 each, price includes sales taxes.