Kenny Sutherland
M.A. Louisiana State University, 2017
B.A. Louisiana State University, 2015
B.S. Louisiana State University, 2015
Kenny is an anthropological archaeologist whose research concerned data from excavations at multiple sites in the Nepeña Valley on the north coast of Peru. His research also includes foodways and foodstuffs, with foci in the river valleys of the Andes Mountains and in East Asia. He was researching ceramic assemblages, macrofloral and macrofaunal ecofacts, and broader-scale environmental changes and settlement patterns as a doctoral student at LSU – when the COVID-19 pandemic interfered.
Recent Publications
Sutherland, K. 2020. Food for the Dead: Insights, Traditions, and Challenges. Artifacts Bones Discourse 7: 75-90.
Sutherland, K., D. Chicoine, M. Helmer, & H. Ikehara. 2020. Pots Speak Volumes: Commensal Politics and Kitchenwares in Early Horizon Nepeña, Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 40 (1): 101-107.
Courses Taught
World Archaeology
Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Human Geography of the Americas and Europe